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Operating Instructions for

ZETFON - Fonomat 4x70s



Control Unit ZETFON-Fonomat

The operating elements in the front plate take the following functions (from top
to bottom:

2.3.1 Key for manual sound signals

2.3.2 Key for release of triple-tone signal according to § 4.06 of the

BinSchStrO: three times three sounds of different frequency (230 Hz,
295 Hz) in succession without interruption with a duration of about 3x2
seconds. Each sequence of the three sounds starts with the lowest and
ends with the highest sound.

2.3.3 Key for release of signal according to § 6.33 of the BinSchStrO: 1

prolonged sound within 60 seconds - sound signal in restricted visibility
for all vessels not navigating under radar.

First push of the key: "SIGNAL ON"
Second push


2.3.4 Key for release of "keep-clear signal": short - prolonged sound repeated

without interruption for at least 15 minutes according to Federal Act 103
for the introduction of a "keep-clear signal" on the inland waterways of
the FRG and according to § 8.14 of the BinSchStrO.

First push of the key: "SIGNAL ON"
Second push:


This key is provided with a protective cap to avoid unintentional release.

2.3.5 An adjustable potentiometer serves to dim the pilot lamps glow dimmly.

They lighten up brightly when cut on and a signal is being released.


Microphone to use the signal unit as command system

The microphone is provided with a speaking key and a potentiometer for the
volume control of the commands. The socket for connection of the
microphone is installed in the front plate of the control unit.

Note: All sound signals have priority to light signals!


Sound Signal Lamp TS 11 - 25 W

According to § 4.01 of the BinSchStrO on all engine powered vessels the
sound signals must be accompanied by equally long light signals. These must
be yellow, bright and visible from all directions. In case of the triple-tone signal
only the low sound must be accompanied by a light signal.

12/02 Fl



Subject to alteration!
