Zoll Defib quick guide semiautomatic mode
This mode should only be used by staff who are
untrained in ECG recognition
1. Press green on/off button
Oral and visual prompts
Plug in cable
Open airway
Check breathing
Plug in cable
Oral and visual prompts
Adult pads or paediatric pads (dependant on ads plugged in)
Attach defib pads to patients bare chest
Do not touch patient analysing
Shock advised
2. Shout STAND CLEAR (look for patient to be clear of anyone)
3. Press flashing red button
4. Immediately resume CPR
Zoll Defib quick guide ECG monitor
1. Press green on/off button
Oral and visual prompts
Plug in cable
Open airway
Check breathing
Plug in cable
2. Attach ECG cable
Oral and visual prompts
ECG monitoring cable
Attach ECG electrodes
3. Attach ECG electrodes
4. Read ECG
Please note, if the Zoll detects a shockable rhythm it will ask you to check patient then
ask you to plug in defib cable. If asystole is detected it will just ask you to check patient.