8 | Vetscan Hub User’s Manual
The Vetscan Hub requires minimal maintenance. Clean the exterior of the Vetscan Hub weekly following the
directions below. Regular cleaning of the Vetscan Hub will ensure reliable operation.
Observe universal precautions
when cleaning spills on the Vetscan Hub. Use a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach to
9 parts water) to clean spills on the stand, following the standard cleaning guidelines in the Cleaning Section.
Cleaning the Stand
Clean the Vetscan Hub stand with a soft cloth, dampened with a mild, non-abrasive detergent or cleaning solution,
such as a 10% bleach solution, or a 30% isopropyl alcohol solution. Pre-soaked towelettes (isopropyl alcohol)
may be used as an alternate. Purchase isopropyl towelettes from computer retailers. Do not spray or pour any
detergents, solutions, or other liquids directly onto the Vetscan Hub. Dampen a soft cloth or disposable paper
towel with the detergent, then apply to the Vetscan Hub stand.
Cleaning the Display
Clean the Vetscan Hub screen periodically using a soft, lint-free cloth dampened with a glass-cleaning fluid or
window cleaner.
Caution: Zoetis recommends only the cleaning methods described in this section. If for some
reason another method is needed, contact Zoetis Technical Service beforehand to verify that
the proposed method will not damage the Vetscan Hub. Zoetis is not responsible for damage
caused by non-recommended cleaning methods.
Caution: Do not use any cleaner containing alcohol. Do not spray cleaner directly onto the
display — dampen the cloth instead.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute). 1992. Physician’s office laboratory guidelines, 2nd ed;
tentative guideline. NCCLS document POL1-T2 (ISBN 1-56238-159-8). Villanova, PA: NCCLS; pp. A27–A28.