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3. Control box diagnosis

(delivered with the cleaner)


Connect the control box's power cable.


On the control box, press 

 and hold for 10 seconds.


Quick mode (fl oor only) fl ashes by default

. For control boxes with a screen, the

 message "diAG" is displayed 

at the same ti me.


Press and release 

, Smart mode (fl oor, walls, water line) starts to fl ash

. For control boxes with a 

screen, the

 message "diAG" is displayed at the same ti me.



 to start 

manual diagnosti cs of the control box

, in 2 steps:

1. LED test: 

all LEDs should be fl ashing. 

==> This is used to detect whether an LED is defecti ve; replace the control box where necessary.

2. Butt on test: 

press and release the butt ons shown below. All LEDs should be steadily lit for 2 seconds

. For control boxes 

with a screen, the

 message "GOOD" is displayed at the same ti me.

==> This is used to detect whether a butt on is defecti ve; replace the control box where necessary.

Example of a control box with the butt ons to be tested (butt ons may diff er depending on the model)


To exit diagnosti cs mode, press 


All Alpha™ iQ control boxes can be used to perform Cleaner Diagnosti cs for any Alpha™ iQ model.
