background image

Please be sure the sensor module is powered off before plugging 

in the 3D water sensing cable and star�ng the inclusion process. 

When adding or removing op�onal extension cables, be sure to 

have LD-100 powered off.

Note: When on ba�ery power, the unit will stay awake for 5 minutes a�er 

the bu�on is pressed. Once the unit detects inclusion has completed, it will 

be able to start detec�ng every minute and will allow controllers to set any 

necessary configura�on parameters.









Default Bytes


ZLINK LD-100 is a Z-Wave Plus® cer�fied device with S2 Security and SmartStart. 

LD-100 is a member of the Z-Wave family and communicates with other Z-Wave 

cer�fied devices in a control network. LD-100 is designed to detect and alert any 

water leaks in residen�al or commercial buildings. LD-100 features an audible 

alarm in addi�on to a wireless alert to your controller providing early no�fica�on 

of water leaks before major damage occurs. For more informa�on on this and 

other quality ZLINK Products please visit

Water sensing cable may be placed anywhere where there is a risk of a leak, 

horizontal (floor, a�c) or ver�cal (wall, along pipes), providing 3D capability to 

sense the leak.

Senses as li�le as couple of drops of water (0.25ml – 0.5ml)

Provides hundreds of �mes more coverage vs. tradi�onal single point sensors

that only detect leaks in a very localized area.

Quickly senses water leaks (every 400msec with micro USB power supply, every

60 sec. with ba�ery) before expensive damage occurs.

LD-100 reports local temperature once every 60 minutes on ba�ery, when using

micro USB power supply it can be set using configura�on parameter 3.

Built-in audible buzzer sounds when water is detected.

Includes 4-foot-long sensing cable that senses water on any part of the cable.

Water sensing cable extend-able up to 150 feet with available extensions.

Powered by 3 x AAA ba�eries (not included) or standard 5V micro USB power

supply (not included).







The device will sense for water every 400 msec when plugged into a 

standard 5V micro USB external power supply (not included).

LD-100 will sense for water every 60 seconds on ba�ery power.

The device will beep 5 �mes once water is detected and will send a 

no�fica�on report to controller; the device will stop beeping if the cable 

is restored to dry or when the cable is unplugged.

Once water is detected, frequency of the buzz and no�fica�on to the 

controller can be set using configura�on parameter 2, the default se�ng 

is every 10 minutes.

When the cable dries, LD-100 will report a “no water detected” (0x00) 

no�fica�on to the controller, however it will not buzz.

LD-100 reports local temperature (


F) using the Mul�-level sensor command class 

on Associa�on Group 1. On ba�ery, the unit will report temperature to the 

controller once every 60 minutes. With external 5V micro USB power supply, the 

unit will report temperature based on the se�ngs for configura�on parameter 3, 

the default se�ng will report every minute.





If water is detected, unit will send a Z-Wave No�fica�on command class 

type (Water Alarm V2 0x05), event type (Water Leak Detected V2 0x02)

Includes wall moun�ng plate

Meets IP44 splash proof ra�ng (with ba�ery opera�on)

Flexible and can be placed anywhere horizontally as well as ver�cally

Cable is reusable a�er leak is detected and cable dries

For indoor use only





Place the wall mount adapter on 

a wall or an appliance near where 

the possible water leak can occur.

Secure the wall mount adapter

with included double sided 3M 

tape or via screws to the wall. 

Once the wall mount is secured, 

place LD-100 onto the hook with

the 4’ cable connected.


 Do not place LD-100 on the floor, to protect the electronics 

from water. Mount on a wall or on the side of the appliance.


 Add or remove the device into your network by a Z-Wave 

cer�fied controller. If the controller is SmartStart compa�ble, refer to the controller 

manufacturer app that allows the DSK code to be scanned, and scan the DSK code 

on the side of the unit or on the box. If your controller is not S2/ SmartStart 

compa�ble, the device can be added or removed using the tradi�onal method for 

Z-Wave as follows:

Place your controller into Inclusion/Exclusion (Add/Remove) mode 

by following the controller manufacturer's instruc�ons.
When the controller is ready, single click the bu�on of LD-100. The 

controller should indicate that the new device was added/ removed 

successfully. If the controller shows it failed, repeat the procedure.

Remove the two screws in the rear 

panel, slide off the ba�ery cover, and 

insert the 3 AAA ba�eries. Or remove 

the rubber plug from the micro USB 

port and plug in a standard 5V power

supply with a micro USB connector to 

the power port.

Step 1

If Inclusion s�ll fails a�er the 2nd a�empt, you need to first 

reset the LD-100 before repea�ng the above step. Press the 

bu�on and hold for 10 seconds to manually reset. The LED 

will flash 5 �mes rapidly, if reset is successful. 

Use the manual reset procedure only in the event that the network primary 

controller is lost or otherwise inoperable.

Note: If LD-100 was previously Added (Included) in your network, rese�ng it 

locally does not mean it has been removed from your controller so�ware. If you 

wish to remove LD-100 from your network you will need to remove (Exclude) the 

module from your network by your controller so�ware. The DSK code is required 

to join or re-join a Z-Wave network using S2 level security. Therefore, please DO 

NOT REMOVE the DSK code on the product and store a copy of the full DSK 

printed on the package in a safe loca�on.

Manual Reset

Temperature Measurement

When the device detects water on ba�ery or micro USB power, it will buzz 5

�mes. The buzzer may be disabled using configura�on parameter 4.
On micro USB power, LD-100 can be used as a no�fica�on buzzer when associated 

with another device. For example, if it is associated to a door window sensor and it 

gets triggered, LD-100 will beep one �me. The associated controller may trigger 

the buzzer by sending a Switch Binary or Basic command class set command with 

a non zero value to the sensor.
Note: We recommend to put fresh ba�eries a�er every water leak detected.

Group 1: Lifeline communica�on, you can associate up to five Z-Wave devices to

Group 1, it supports:

Group 2: Basic Set, you can associate up to five Z-Wave devices to Group 2. 

LD-100 will send a Basic Set to the associated devices, for example, turning 

on lights or engaging the water auto shut-off valve, when water is detected. 





Beep and no�fica�on frequency 

once water is detected

0= every 10 minutes 

1= every 5 minutes

2= every 30 minutes

0= Disabled 

1= Enabled

30-255 seconds

Temperature repor�ng interval on 

micro USB power
No�fica�on buzzer

Configurable Parameter Se�ngs: If your controller supports Z-Wave configurable 

parameters, the following se�ngs can be modified.



Step 2

Step 3












