©2017 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2017/05/22
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
CAN-bus recording analyzer
CANREC User Manual
corresponding control.
Select and modify
. After step 1 is complete, the radio control must be selected
using the Set key; the button control is already selected; the text control is already
selected. There are two ways to modify the text control data: (a) use the up and
down arrow keys to increase or decrease the value; (b) use the Set key to select
one of the data, and then use the up and down arrow keys to modify. Program (a)
is suitable for modifying the data within a smaller range, and program (b) is
suitable for modifying the data within a larger range. In the system, the
modification for the data within a smaller range is only provided with program (a);
the modification for the data within a larger range is provided with two programs.
Perform the setting after modify data. Use the OK key to save the setting;
otherwise used the Esc key to exit the setting dialog box.
1. Baud rate
Figure 5- 8 shows the baud rate setting interface.
Figure 5- 8: Baud rate setting
Common baud rate:
some common baud rates are provided for user to select. They
are 5kbps, 10kbps, 20kbps, 50kbps, 100kbps, 125kbps, 250kbps, 500kbps, 800kbps
and 1Mbps. Users can use the left and right arrow keys to select the desired baud
Custom baud rate:
if the baud rate to be set is not a common baud rate, use the
custom baud rate setting (set BTR0 and BTR1). When modify BTR0 and BTR1, the
baud rate and sampling point corresponded with the current BTR0 and BTR1 will be
displayed. Figure 5- 9 shows the custom baud rate setting.