ZK75 Series User Manua
The error output for track 1 is "%E?".
The error output for track 2 is ";E?".
The error output for track 3 is "+E?".
Keyboard Settings
There are keybroad settings information on a magnetic stripe. MiniMag II will support following foreign
language keyboard and function key output for PS/2 and USB HID Keyboard Interface.
Language Option
This option allows the user to select the keyboard language of US, Swiss, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian,
Spanish(Mexico), German, French, Japanese, UK and Universal. Universal language sends out all the data as a
series of ALT keyped sequence.
Function Key Output
The function key output be used to support the special key to delay card data output.
USB HID KB Polling Interview
The user can input the number between 1 to 255 for the delay of output.
Check Current Reader Setting