User Manual
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Duplicated Punch Period(s):
User can set a time-period, in which, repeated check-in record of the
same user will not be considered. (Unit: second). The setting range is 0~9999s. 0 means no limited.
Delete Meeting Records Cyclically:
It indicates the duration up to which the meeting records will be
saved. That means, when meeting record reaches the maximum capacity, it deletes the earliest record
in cycle. The maximum capacity of meeting record is 20w. The range value is 0-9999. 0 means no
Save Meeting Photos:
Set if you want to save the captured meeting photo after the face verification.
The default is enabled. At the same time, if it is enabled, the face photos displayed during check in are
captured photos, and if it is closed, the photos displayed check in are registered photos
Delete Meeting Photos Cyclically:
When meeting photo reaches to the maximum capacity, it will
delete the earliest meeting photo in cycle. The maximum capacity of meeting photo is 1w. The range
value is 0-9999. 0 means no deletion.
Verify Title:
Customized prompt information after check-in. The maximum length is 25 bytes. The
default verification pass is Success, and the verification failure is Failed.