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See “Batteries and Charging” for a full description of your batteries and battery maintenance.
MANDATORY! Always wear gloves and goggles when handling the
chair batteries. Your power
chair batteries are sealed but
also contain lead and lead compounds so extra caution should
always be taken when handling your batteries, battery posts,
terminals, and accessories.
WARNING! Always avoid leaving your batteries in freezing weather
conditions. Charging a frozen battery may result in damage to the battery.
WARNING! When cornering the Zip
r Mantis always first reduce your speed.
High cornering speed increases the possibility of your chair tipping.
WARNING! Avoid driving your power
chair in tall grass that can entangle
in the axles and avoid driving in loose gravel which impacts steering.
PROHIBITED! Operating your Zip
r Mantis in rain, snow, or other extreme
weather conditions can have an adverse affect on the electrical system and
upholstery of the power
chair. Always store your power
chair in a dry and
temperate facility.
PROHIBITED! Never sit on your power
chair when it is being lifted or
moved by another person, vehicle, or lifting mechanism.
WARNING! If you require the use of a safety belt when using your power
then make sure it is securely fastened prior to use of the power chair.
WARNING! Never lean or reach for objects on/near the ground or well
above your head. Such movements can cause a change in the center of
gravity of the power
chair and increase the chance of tipping.
WARNING! Keep your hands and clothing away from the tires when the
chair is in operation.
WARNING! Never use the Zip
r Mantis armrests for weight bearing
purposes, such as transfers.
WARNING! Never stand on the foot plate (power
chair front riggings) as
this could cause the power
chair to tip.
WARNING! Never operate your Zip
r Mantis while under the influence of
alcohol. Consult your physician if you are taking medications that could
impair your ability to properly operate and control the power
SAFETY continued