Variable Speed Trigger
To vary your speed within the selected range, (from zero
to the maximum for that range) squeeze the red Variable
Speed Trigger gradually. For example, slow speeds can be
achieved in HIGH range by pulling the trigger in only very
slightly. The farther you pull the trigger the faster the speed;
up to 6 mph in HIGH speed range.
The Trigger only activates the motor. You must
press the levers down to engage the motor drive with the
wheels in order to move.
Speed Range Selection
Referring back to the Control Panel photo: Every time
the Zinger is turned on it will be in the Forward Low Speed
Range. Pressing the Speed Range Selector Button (turtle /
rabbit) steps the speed range from LOW (indoor use) to
MEDIUM (walking pace) to HIGH (red light, up to 6 MPH)
and back to LOW again. A Speed Range Indicator Light will
remain on to indicate the selected speed range.
The Forward Speed Range Selector button is 1/2
inch (1.25 cm) below the light up Power Button. Keeping
this in mind will make it easy to locate the Forward Speed
Range Selector in the dark or by using touch alone.
Remain in LOW speed range until you are completely
confident in your skills.
The Zinger
requires more space to turn as speed increases. The
greater your speed, the wider your minimum turning
radius will become. For this reason, slow down well
before entering a turn and take tight turns very slowly
(below 1 MPH). If the inside tire skids as you attempt a
turn you are going too fast.
Never select the FAST speed range when indoors.
Operating the Zinger
The Learning Ride
The Zinger steers very di
than handlebar and steering-wheel vehicles. Read carefully
and take the time to practice and develop your skills before
trying Medium speed range. For learning find a large, level,
open area with no tra
c or obstacles.
It is very important
that the area be level.
Each time the power is turned ON, the Zinger will be in
the LOW speed range. The LOW speed range limits the
motor speed to only 1 MPH for learning and indoor use. In
LOW everything happens slowly allowing time for you to
learn the method of braking and steering the Zinger.
Remain in LOW until you are completely confident in your
skills. The grey arrows in the following four images indicate
hand motions on the control levers.