background image


The MX82 is most of ten used for 

sim ple red/green sig nals


(2 as pect sig -



which represents the same logic as for a turn out. The MX8 or MX88

would be the better, more eco nom i cal choice for multi as pect sig nals.

The re is only one dif fe ren ce what CV’s are con cer ned com pa red to tur nouts 
the po wer-on time has to be set to “0”, for con ti nu ous po wer. Of cour se, the
same re la tions hip ap plies bet ween the sub ad dress and the ap pli ca ble CV
(#515 for sub ad dress 0, #516 for sub ad dress 1 and so on).

Of ten a 

prototypical slow sig nal il lu mi na tion and dim ming

 func tion is

de sired. The CV #546, 547 and 548 can be used to achieve this; typ i cal val -
ues may be: CV #546  = 15, CV #547 = 10 and CV #548 = 15.


Those val ues

are ap pli ca ble to all lights con nected (up to 4 with an MX82V). There is no
re la tion ship be tween these CV’s and the sub ad dress in con trast to the
“power-on” time (CV # 515-518).


If the paired func tion of light bulbs (2 with MX82E or 4 with MX82V) is not
pos si ble or de sired and there fore 

each bulb con trolled in di vid u ally,


the ap pro pri ate Bit in CV #552 to “1” (ones digit for the or ange/grey and tens
digit for yel low/white wires).


Nat u rally, the user in ter face (cab, com mand

sta tion...) may need to be con fig ured ac cord ingly so that sin gle light bulbs
can be con trolled with ease.


A decoupler is treated as a sin gle func tion. In case of an MX82E, CV #552 is
set to 1 and in case of an MX82V to 11. Mixed op er a tion is also pos si ble with
the MX82V (or ange/grey wires for a turn out; yel low/white for decoupler).  

SERVOS  . . .

4 logic level out puts (sol der pads) are pro vided for the con trol of ser vos
(MX82E as well as MX82V). Each of those out puts can be con nected to a
stan dard servo con trol in put. The power for the servo (5V) is not gen er ated
by the MX82; an other source is re quired (see chap ter 5). 

An MX82 can, if so de sired, op er ate up to 4 ser vos  

si mul ta neously


so le noid or mo tor ized turn outs (or sig nals) 



ex clu sively


At ten ti on:

The 4 servo con nec tions are set


to the next higher ad dress



 de fault 

through the CV set tings #553=110 and  #554=132: the ser vos do not op er -
ate with the ac ces sory ad dress stored in CV #513 and 521 but rather ac -
cord ing to the val ues in CV #513 and #521 + 1. For ex am ple: If ad dress 36 is
se lected, the ser vos op er ate at ad dress 37 and Func tion keys F0, F1, F2
and F3.

If you wish to op er ate the ser vos with the ba sic ad dress as in CV #513,521
(ad dress 36 in this ex am ple), the CV’s should be pro grammed to CV
#553=10 and #554=32 (omit ting the hun dredth digit in both CV’s = ba sic ad -
dress) and #545=99 (im por tant! This turns off the “usual” out puts for turn -


 (List of ad dress com bi na -

tions and other ex pe ri ences with servo drives). 

SPE CIAL FUNC TIONS for MOTO DRIVES (Switch ma chines). . .


The op tional


“Ini tial Pulse”

 (CV #549) is to as sure that all turn outs will be in

the same po si tion af ter the lay out is booted up, as they were be fore the lay -
out was turned off. If all pulses were sent to all turn outs at the same time, the
power sup ply could be over loaded. To pre vent this, dif fer ent val ues can be
en tered to CV #549 which spreads this load over a wider time frame, up to
15 sec onds. 


con ti nu ous po wer out put

 (most ly sig nal light bulbs)

CV #515 (or 516,

517, 518 de pen ding on sub ad dress) has to be set to “0”. In this mode the
op ti on of slow il lu mi na ti on and dim ming is also avai la ble (CV #546, 547,
548), which is an espe ci al ly pro to ty pi cal way of sig nal ope ra ti on.  

Changing CV #550, Bit 0 (De ac ti va tion of turn out po si tion feed back) is sel -
dom re quired. This pos si bil ity is there in case some body is sen si tive to the
noise gen er ated by the turn out po si tion rec og ni tion func tion but also (rather
un likely but not im pos si ble if used with other sys tems) in cases where the
feed back pulses could in ter fere with the com mand sta tion or boost ers (e.g. 
Track power turned off due to short cir cuit in di ca tion or dis torted DCC data). 

                                         ACCESSORY DECODER   MX82


Page 7                                                       


Summary of Contents for MX82E

Page 1: ...ioned in this manual Such missing or incomplete functions can be installed later by updating the software or replacing the EPROM only at the factory Beginning in October 2004 all decoders MX82 with SW...

Page 2: with production date September October 2004 Zimo decoders are equipped to handle a software update by the end user That requires a Zimo MXDECUP decoder update module available in November 2004 as w...

Page 3: ...s but also a sub address 2 sub addresses for the MX82V The address is required for decoder access with a cab and the sub address determines with which function key the turnout will be operated Althoug...

Page 4: ...Identifies the decoder as accessory decoder 546 resp 34 Light uptime only when continuous on is selected as in CV 515 516 517or518 0 0 255 10 For prototypical signal operation Time in 1 10 of a second...

Page 5: ...ed according to CV 557 556 resp 44 Motor deceleration with pulse width modula tion only if CV 515 516 517 or 518 0 0 255 0 Slow deceleration of motor drive time in 1 10ofasecond max 25sec untilthemoto...

Page 6: ...coderhas its own CV for power on time e g one uses 515 thenext 516 and so on andthere is no chance that another decoder gets re programmed unintentionally If 2 motorized switch machines are used with...

Page 7: ...sly with solenoid or motorized turnouts or signals or exclusively Attention The 4 servo connections are set to the next higher address by default through the CV settings 553 110 and 554 132 the servos...

Page 8: ...o the single wires MOTORIZED SWITCH MACHINES AND SIGNALS Such units are connected with 2 wires The blue wire is not needed in this application The other wires grey orange are connected with the switch...

Page 9: ...eets the natural requirements of many such machines For example an old fashioned non electronic model railroadpower packmaybe used But pay attentionthatonlytheDCoutput is suitable Under no circumstanc...

Page 10: ...Turnouts 1 4 at the LENZ cab MX82 address 1 Sub address 0 3 Turnouts 5 8 at the LENZ cab MX82 address 2 Sub address 0 3 Turnouts 9 12 at the LENZ cab Address 3 DEFAULT Sub address 0 3 and so on If for...
