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Function decoder MX68


# 62

Flas hing and   sing -
le pul se

0 - 99


Tens  di git (x.)= on time, 0.1-0.9 sec.
Ones di git (.x)= off time, 0.2-0.9 sec. 
If ones di git = 0, as in 10, 20, 30 then
sing le pul se with slow illumination.
De fault va lue:00  = al ways on.

# 63

Flas hing mask

Cal cu la te bit va lu es as 
in CV #29!



Bit 0 to 5 for one functi on out put each;  e.g.
Bit 3 = out put #4.
Bit va lue: 1= out put flas hing as de fi ned in
CV #62.
Bit 6 = 1: fourth out put flas hing in ver se
Bit 7 = 1: sixth out put flas hing in ver se

# 64

Short se con da ry

1- 127


The short se con da ry ad dress is active 
when Bit 5 in CV #112 is set to 0.

#  67
    + 68

Long se con da ry 

128 -


The short se con da ry ad dress is ac ti ve 
when Bit 5 in CV #112 is set to 1.

# 69
     - 77

Functi on map ping
for se con da ry

# 69 for F0 front
# 70 for F0 rear
# 71 for F1
# 72 for F2
# 73 for F3
# 74 for F4.
# 75 for F5
# 76 for F6.
# 77 for F7


The se 8 CV’s de ter mi ne which functi on
key con trols which functi on out put. 

#69 - 77 = 0: Out puts are set to F0 - F7 by
de fault, functi on keys 1 to 8 on Zimo MX2
He ad lights are con trol led di rec ti on de pen dent 
by F0  (Zimo cab key 1 or L) 

See ex pla na ti on on NMRA functi on map ping
tab le on page 5. 

# 78
     - 86

Functi on map ping                              
location influence
# 78 for F0 front
# 79 for F0 rear
# 80 for F1
# 81 for F2
# 82 for F3
# 83 for F4.
# 84 for F5
# 85 for F6
# 86 for F7


Ap pli ca ble to lo ca ti on de pen dent functi on
con trol.

The se 8 CV”s de ter mi ne  which  function
bits, of the  MX9 track sec ti on mo du le
(CV’s #10-17, see MX9 ma nu al) ope ra te
what functi on out put 
# 78 - 86 = 0: Out puts are set to F0 - F7 by
de fault.
See ex pla na ti on on NMRA functi on map -
ping tab le on page 5.

# 87
     - 94

In di vi du al dim ming
of sing le functi on

# 87 he ad light front
# 88 he ad light rear
# 89 third out put
# 90 fourth out put


In di vi dual alter na ti ve to ge ne ral dim ming 
ac cor ding to CV # 60.
0 = CV #60 ac ti ve only

1 - 255 = PWM on functi on out puts, e.g.
Dim ming of light.

Ex am ple:

# xx = 255  full vol ta ge
# xx = 170  66% of track vol ta ge
# xx = 204  80% of track vol tage
# xx = 0     No effect
NOTE: Dim mask in CV # 61 is also
nee ded for this dim ming functi on to

# 112

Spe ci al Zimo 
con fi gu ra ti on bits

64 =

Bit 3 = 0  12 functi on mode ,
        = 1     8 functi on mode
Bit 5 = 0   short se con da ry ad dress                                                            
ac cor ding to CV #64.
        = 1    long se con da ry ad dress.

Bits 6,7 = com bi na ti ons bet ween  ma nu -
al functions and lo ca ti on         de pen dent 
functi on con trol
(00 = none, 01 = or, 10 = and, 
11= not and); De fault 01 = or

# 120

Functi on map ping 
se con da ry      ad -
dress ex chan ge.   

Fu tu re Fea tu re

*)  F5 to F8 won’t be usa ble un less functi on de co der  and com mand sta ti on are
both set to the same  8 or 12 functi on mode. CV #112, Bit 3 of the de co der swit -
ches bet ween the two mo des. The com mand sta ti on can be swit ched by using
the “E” pro ce du re and keys “L” and “1”.

**) Un li ke the pri ma ry long ad dress, the se con da ry long ad dress can’t be en te -
red as one num ber whe re the com mand sta ti on cal cu la tes the pro per va lu es
and en ters them into CV #67 & 68. 
Rat her then cal cu la ting the fi gu res your self, en ter the se con da ry long ad dress
tem po ra ri ly as the pri ma ry long ad dress. Read out CV #17 & 18 and write tho se
va lu es into CV #67 & 68. Af ter that re pla ce the pri ma ry ad dress with the ori gi nal
ad dress. 

Summary of Contents for MX68

Page 1: ...oftware that determines its characteristics and functions The current version may not yet be capable of all the functions mentioned in this manual Such missing functions can be installed later by upgrading the EPROM In some cases the EPROM may be updated with a special programming station available at Zimo and specialized dealers Such upgrades are not covered by the warranty and will be charged to...

Page 2: ...eirfacto ry default address All NMRA compliant address modes are supported This includes primary short extended long and consist address commands In addition Zimo offers another technique for the function decoder known as secondary addressing This offers the advantage of linking a complete train of lighted coaches by one key stroke Zimo decoders accept register paged and direct programming modes T...

Page 3: ...ltage 60 204 80 of track voltage 61 Dimming mask Calculate bit values as in CV 29 0 63 0 Bit 0 to 5 for one function output each Bit 0 front headlight Bit 1 rear head light etc Bit value 0 dimmed to value in CV 60 Bit value 1 output not dimmed 1 Primary short address 1 127 3 Short 1 byte primary address is active when Bit 5 in CV 29 is cleared 0 3 Acceleration rate 0 255 0 Only relevant for direct...

Page 4: ...n module CV s 10 17 see MX9 manual operate what function output 78 86 0 Outputs are set to F0 F7 by default See explanation on NMRA function map ping table on page 5 87 94 Individual dimming of single function outputs 87 headlight front 88 headlight rear 89 third output 90 fourth output etc 0 Individual alternative to general dimming according to CV 60 0 CV 60 active only 1 255 PWM on function out...

Page 5: ...ither the direct command calls for it or the necessary function bit in a track section is set The combinations can be changed with the help of bit 6 and 7 of CV 112 to and or not and And turns a function on if a direct command calls for it and a function bit is set in a correspondingtrack section Not and allows the location dependent function control to turn a function off contrary to a current di...

Page 6: ... fly except for loco addres ses Beaware that there will be no acknowledgment andreadouts are not possible on the fly On the fly programming is only allowed for the primary short and long addresses not for secondary addresses Page 6 Function Decoder MX68 ...
