HM1000 series magnetic gripper
Zimmer GmbH
Im Salmenkopf 5
77866 Rheinau, Germany
Phone: +49 7844 9138-0
Fax: +49 7844 9138-80
deu / 1/21/2019 / 0
In terms of the EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (Annex II 1 B)
Name and address of the manufacturer:
Zimmer GmbH, Im Salmenkopf 5, 77866 Rheinau, Germany
hone: +49 7844 91380, www.zimmer-group.de
We hereby declare that the incomplete machines described below
Product designation:
magnetic gripper
Type designation
e also declare that the specific technical documents were produced in accordance with Annex VII Part B of this Directive.
We undertake to provide the market supervisory bodies with electronic versions of special documents for the incomplete machine
through our documentation department, should they have reason to request them.
The incomplete machine may only be commissioned if the machine or system in which the incomplete machine is to be
installed has been determined to satisfy the conditions of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the EC Declaration of
Conformity has been produced in accordance with Annex II 1 A.
satisfy the following basic requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC:
No. 1.1.2., No. 1.1.3., No. 1.1.5., No. 1.3.2., No. 1.3.4., No. 1.3.7., No. 1.5.3., No. 1.5.4., No. 1.5.8., No. 1.6.4., No. 1.7.1., No. 1.7.4.
7. Declaration of incorporation
in terms of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery (Annex II 1 B)
Authorized representative for compiling the rele-
vant technical documents
Kurt Ross
See manufacturer's address
Rheinau, Germany, 7/25/2013
Martin Zimmer
First name, last name Address
(Place and date of issuing)
(Legally binding signature)
Managing Director
► The magnetic grippers of the HM1000 series are maintenance-free for up to 5 million gripping cycles.
Even though the magnetic grippers are, as mentioned, maintenance-free, perform a regular visual inspection to check for
any corrosion, damage and contamination.
Clean the magnetic gripper as needed using a commercially available machine cleaning agent and then apply an anti-
corrosion agent to the housing.
6. Maintenance
Complete disassembly of the magnetic gripper for gasket maintenance is possible after 5 million cycles
only at Zimmer.
Transport lock for HM 1078 and HM1097
A transport lock
holds the permanent magnet in the retracted position during
transportation and storage to protect against the escaping magnetic field.
This transport lock must be removed before the unit is first put into operation.
► Pressurize the gripper with at least 3 bar
► Unscrew the transport lock 4
► Close the now open hole with the included dummy plug