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Headless Compression and Twist-Off Screws
Surgical Technique
A linear capsulotomy is then used to expose the
joint. The hypertrophic medial eminence on the 1
metatarsal head is then osteotomized (Figure 3).
Insert a 0.9 mm k-wire perpendicular into the center
of the first metatarsal head (Figure 3a).
A medially based long arm Chevron type osteotomy
is then created from medial to lateral. Remove
the k-wire. The capital fragment is then mobilized
and transposed laterally to correct the 1
IMA and
impacted on the 1
metatarsal shaft (Figure 3b).
Figure 3
Figure 3b
Figure 3a
Headless Compression Screw Technique – Unicortical Applications