Z8 Encore! XP
F082A Series Development Kit
User Manual
Zilog’s Z8 Encore! XP
F082A Series microcontroller unit (MCU) is a
part of the line of Zilog’s MCU products. The Z8 Encore! XP F082A
Series MCU development kit (Z8F08A28100KITG) enables you to
become familiar with the hardware and software tools available with this
product. This kit consists of the 8 KB version of the Z8 Encore! XP devel-
opment board that supports and presents the features of the Z8 Encore!
XP F082A Series. This kit allows you to begin writing application soft-
ware and contains all supporting documents.
This manual acquaints you with the Z8 Encore! XP F082A Series MCU
development kit, and provides instructions on setting up and using the
tools to start building designs and applications. Z8F082ASJ020 is the sili-
con used in the board. For more information, refer to
Z8 Encore! XP
F082A Series Product Specification (PS0228)
Kit Contents
The Z8 Encore! XP F082A Series MCU development kit contains the
The hardware in Z8 Encore! XP F082A Series MCU development kit
Z8 Encore! XP F082A Series development board
USB Smart Cable for PC to Z8 Encore! XP
F082A series develop-
ment board (previous versions of the development kit used a serial
smart cable; for information on using the serial smart cable, refer to
your original documentation)
5 V DC power supply