Terms of Use & Liability
When you start using the product, it means that you have accepted
all the terms, condi�ons and statements in this user guide.
This product is suitable for pets. This device is not designed to harm
pets. Using this product not in accordance with the user guide may
violate local laws
Terms of Use & Liability
This product is intended for pets.
1.Terms of Use
This product is designed for pets that need training. Please use this
product correctly and include reading the user guide and any
specific "safety" and "cau�on" statements.
2.Use it correctly
This product is suitable for pets. This device is not designed to harm
pets. Using this product not in accordance with the user guide may
violate local laws.
3.Illegal use is forbidden
The manufacturer is not responsible for any direct, indirect,
puni�ve, non-significant losses and other indirect losses caused by
incorrect use or abuse of this product. The buyer assumes all risks
and responsibili�es of using this product.
4.Scope of Responsibility
The manufacturer reserves the right to change the terms,
condi�ons and declara�ons related to the products.
5.Modifica�on of terms and condi�ons
Thanks for Trus�ng Zigpet
Thank You Very Much.