Fig. 10
Rod roller
The large, screw form of the open rod roller with
its arrangement of pipes provides very high load
capacity with a low weight. It is ideal for dry and
light to medium-difficulty conditions.
Fig. 11
Roof ring roller
With its sharp edges, the v-ring roller breaks up
soil clumps well. Broad shoulders prevent sinking
in to the ground under dry or light conditions. The
roller is highly suited to heavy and medium
ground. Settable scrapers are provided for damp
Fig. 12
U profile roller
With a diameter of 540 mm and 12.5 cm gaps
between the rings, it is suitable for nearly all
ground soils. The U profile opening outwards
towards the ground ensures minimal wear. The
earth which sticks to the U profile protects the
packer rings. The open packer rings permits
deeper solidification.
Fig. 13
Spring stamp roller
The spring stamp roller consists of four
replaceable springs per ring. The constant
vibration of the spring elements makes the spring
stamp roller insensitive to damp conditions, yet still
produces a lot of fine earth under dry and hard
conditions. The spring stamp roller can be fitted
with scrapers to meet special requirements.