6381-A4 Router Users Guide
Dynamic Routing
Dynamic Routing enables the 6381 RG to dynamically define routes for WAN and LAN subnets.
Dynamic routing uses routing information protocol (RIP) for exchanging routing information with
other routers in the network. It is supported across both WAN and LAN interfaces. Any RIP-
enabled router sends out automatic update packets containing its own routing table on a periodic
basis (every 30 secs). Similarly, it accepts such periodic updates from other routers and adds,
deletes, or modifies routes in its own routing table accordingly. The router is also expected to
receive requests for its routing table and respond accordingly. Use the Dynamic Routing page to
define dynamic routing routes for the available interfaces.
Dynamic Routing allows the modem to automatically adjust to physical changes in the network.
The modem, using the routing information protocol (RIP), determines the network packets’ route
based on the fewest number of hops between the source and the destination. The RIP protocol
regularly broadcasts routing information to other modems on the network. The 6381 support RIP
across both WAN and LAN interfaces.
RIP enabled routers send out updates of its routing table periodically and accepts updates from
other routers to add, delete or modify routes in its routing table. The router will also send updates
to its routing table upon request.
You can enable dynamic routing on all routers, so you do not have to manually enter the
individual routes. To enable dynamic routing you need to enable all routers on this network and
they should use the same protocol so they are able to communicate with each other.
To demonstrate the use of the dynamic routing feature, consider an expanded version of the
network used in the static routing example (see
Static Routing
As shown above, you have a network with two LAN connections (192.168.1.x and 172.168.1.x),
and each has a router and a subnet. How can host A in subnet 1 (193.168.1.x) talk to host B in
subnet 2 (173.168.1.x)? You have two options:
• As shown using the static routing feature (see Static Routing), you can add both subnets to the
routing table using the Static Routing page (two separate entries).
• You can enable dynamic routing on all routers without having to manually enter the individual
routes. Keep in mind that you need to enable all routers on this network and they should use the