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furnace DM
This Use and Maintenance Manual provides information on the utilisation, installation and
maintenance of the
DM series ovens
furnace DM30, furnace DM40, furnace DM50;
furnace DM4R; furnace DM1; furnace DM1G
), manufactured by
Zhermack S.p.A.
• The equipment must be used in accordance with the instructions in this manual: it is therefore
recommended that you read it carefully prior to installation and start-up. Make sure that you
read the entire manual and pay particular attention to messages written in bold type or items
highlighted by boxes and/or symbols: the symbols are designed to highlight situations involving
danger or requiring caution (see paragraph 1.2).
• Observance of standards and regulations shown in this manual will ensure that the equipment
is used properly and that maintenance work is carried out safely.
• This Use and Maintenance Manual is an integral part of the equipment: it should therefore be
kept together with the equipment so that it can be consulted as and when necessary (keep the
booklet in a secure dry place away from sunlight, atmospheric agents, etc.). It must be
available for consultation throughout the working life of the equipment even when the equipment
is sold or finally dismantled.
• It is recommended that you keep this manual constantly updated by integrating any
amendments, additions or modifications made by the Manufacturer. Any notes or comments
should be made on the blank pages at the rear of the booklet (see Appendices: Notes).
• Use the manual properly so that it is not damaged in any way.
• Do not remove, tear or write on any part of the pages.
• If the manual is lost or damaged and its contents become illegible you can request a
replacement copy from the Manufacturer.
The purpose of this Use and Maintenance Manual is to provide users with information on how
to operate the equipment properly. The manual contains all the information needed to use the
device as intended: in particular the manual includes instructions and information on the
• correct installation of the equipment;
• Detailed description of how the equipment works and its components;
• Initial start-up;
• Scheduled maintenance;
• Basic Safety and Accident Prevention info.
This manual contains nine chapters each of which covers a specific argument.
The appendices at the rear of the manual are a useful complement to these chapters.