2.check the connection
of the motor or the
motor may damaged
2.connecting again
or change the motor
3.check there is special
smell of the controller
or not
3.exchange the
1. check the installation
of the sensor and the
1.correct install the
sensor and the magnet
2.check the connection
of the sensor
E03(fault code)
1.failure to detect the
motor signal for 15
seconds or above
2.failure to detect the
sensor signal for 10
3.check the sensor if it
is damaged
3.chang the sensor
1.check the connection
of the VR line
1.reconnecting the
joint of the VR line
2.check the connection
of the AC line
2.reconnecting the
joint of the AC line
3.check the connection
of the motor line
3.reconnecting or
change the wires
4.check the motor if it
is damaged
4.change the motor
E04(fault code)
Failure study for the
incline motor
5.failure study
5.press the button on
the controller for3
second ,restudy again
1.make sure the power
and voltage is comply
with standard
2.change the motor or
controller, test again
E05(fault code)
E08(fault code)
EEPROM(data memory
1. the part 24C02is broken or not connected
24C02 well.
2. change them immediately.