Bulb Ramping
Bulb Ramping allows you to take a time-lapse of scenes with changing exposure levels and
adjusts for the light variation gradually to drastically reduce the flickering effect. Pinout
provides you an interface to setup the change of the exposure levels, number of shooting
and all other necessary parameters.
Camera setting: this feature only works when your camera is under bulb mode.
The way of using bulb ramping is as following
Step1. Choose bulb ramping from features menu
Step2. Input the necessary parameters (start of exposure, end of exposure, interval,
number of exposures, start)
Frames: number of shooting
Start of exposure: starting value of the exposure time
End of exposure: end value of the exposure time
Gap: pausing time
Start: start time of the shooting
Step3: Click the double circle button to get back to the shooting screen.