Zesto Audio 2016 Page #8
Hookup, Settings and Adjustments
Like all high end audio equipment, this Vacuum Tube Phonostage can take 100 hours to
break in
. For circuit testing and
quality assurance, Zesto Audio ships all their Phonostage units with at least 50 hours of burn-in.
Vacuum Tubes
Using the glove provided, unpack and carefully plug in the four vacuum tubes making sure they are firmly pushed in all the
way in their sockets. They can only go in one way.
Using interconnect cables connect both the left and right color coded RCA outputs to an auxiliary or equivalent input on
your system.
Ground Wire
Attach the Spade Lug to both the Turntable and Phonostage binding post ground. This wire is included.
Before connecting your turntable to the phonostage please determine if your cartridge is MM or MC high output or an MC
Low output. Also what is the recommended loading for your cartridge? This information is usually in the cartridge
documentation or can be found on the manufacturer’s web site.
The left and right signal paths (inputs, switches and outputs) are completely independent of each other. So any
adjustments or connections must be applied to both left and right.
The turn table signal cables attach to the left and right inputs of the phonostage. Either MM-RCA, MC-RCA or MC-XLR.
Cartridge Set up
Select MM or MC on the switch.
If using an MC cartridge select the ground ON position to start with.
If using an MC cartridge select Low output on the phonostage to start with.
If using an MM cartridge select either 47K or 15K.
Your unit is installed with four feet using #8-32 screws.
Carefully plug in the AC power cable to the phonostage first then to your main power.
Turn it on
Tube electronics should not be turned ON, then OFF, then ON again quickly. This could blow a fuse or create a
hum. Once the unit is ON, it is safe to wait a minute before switching OFF. If you do get a hum, leave the unit off for 15
Turn on the phonostage using the ON/OFF switch located on the front left side. After a short time (about two minutes) the
four tubes should start glowing. The amber glow will be the only visible indication that the unit is turned on.
If the tubes do not light up, turn off the unit at the power switch and unplug the power cord. After waiting a few minutes
unplug each vacuum tube in turn (using the glove provided) and make sure that none of the pins are bent. If they are
please contact Zesto Audio for instructions.
Enjoy the music!