www.zestoutdoorliving.co.uk | 01352 873555 option 1 | [email protected]
Position 1 x Short Cover Strip (K) centrally (angled cut beneath Finial Block capping and facing
upwards) and fix using 6 x 45mm Screws, 2 x Screws per end and 2 x Screws to centre.
Repeat on remaining roof sections using 3 x Short Cover Strips (K)
Place 1 x Long Cover Strip (J) over joint in roof boards and under finial block capping (angled cut
beneath capping and facing upwards). Fix in position using 8 x 45mm screws (2 x 45mm screws
per end, 2 x 45mm either side of centre).
Repeat on remaining roof board joints using 3 x Long Cover Strips (J)
(1 x Long Cover Strip per joint).
Knutsford Pavilion 2.4m is now complete.