4. Rubber Foot: Peel the paper backing off the rubber foot and place it on the top of the board, in the
square marked “VPM-1 SENSOR BD” (97). Line it up carefully and keep it out of the printed circle
directly below the square (98). Squeeze it down tightly (99).
5. Ribbon Cable: Place the ribbon cable on the header (100). Do you see the little white dot on the
PCB, at one end of the header? Let’s call that Pin 1. Now notice that all four wires of the ribbon
cable are marked with unique patterns of dashes and dots. Note which pattern is associated with
Pin 1. You will need this knowledge later.
That’s it for the sensor board. If you are not installing any of the upgrade boards then you can move
on to “PREPARING THE ERNIE BALL VP JR” on page 40.