Technical Support:
Additional Information (Status)
, which enables or disables the
supervision of a set of indicators related to the power
consumption/production and to the water flow. See section
Depending on the Altherma LT system being interfaced, the checkboxes of the
required functions need to be marked. This will make some communication objects
visible, as described in the following sections of this user manual.
One more parameter should be configured:
Send Status Objects on Bus Voltage
, which may be set to one of the following:
(default): no objects will be sent to the KNX bus during the device start-up
after a bus power failure or a download from ETS.
: the following objects will be sent to the KNX bus (to update other KNX
devices) when the device starts up after a bus power failure or a download
from ETS:
[DHW] On/Off (Status)
[DHW] Booster mode On/Off (Status)
[DHW] Temperature (Status)
[DHW] Operating (Status)
[Climate] On/Off (Status)
[Climate] Operation mode (Status)
[Climate] Temperature (Status)
[Climate] Operating (Status)
[Temperatures] DHW tank
[Temperatures] Outdoor Temperature
[Temperatures] Leaving water
[Temperatures] Leaving water (PHE)
[Temperatures] Inlet water
[Temperatures] Refrigerant
[Actuators] Pump
[Actuators] Compressor
[Actuators] BUH: step 1
[Actuators] BUH: step 2
[Addit. Info.] Flow rate
[Addit. Info.] Electrical energy consumpt.
[Addit. Info.] Energy production
It is possible to apply a certain delay (0 to 255 seconds) to the above sending
once the device start-up is over. Therefore, a new parameter called
will show if the above is set to “Yes”.
Regarding the
start-up of the device
, it is advisable to read section 2.1, as it contains
details on how the interaction between KLIC-DA LT and the Altherma LT system starts.