BIN 44 / 4X / 2X
Technical Support:
outputs will be functional (or which channels will behave as inputs and which
channels as outputs, in the case of BIN 44, see Figure 4). After enabling them,
additional tabs will be incorporated to the tab tree on the left. These functions
and their parameters will be explained in later sections of this document.
Figure 4.
Default configuration (BIN 4X).
Heartbeat (Periodic Alive Notification)
lets the integrator
incorporate a one-
bit object to the project (“
[Heartbeat] Object to Send ‘1’
that will be sent periodically with value “1” to notify that the device is still
working (
still alive
Figure 5.
Heartbeat (Periodic Alive Notification).
the first sending after download or bus failure takes place with a delay of
up to 255 seconds, to prevent bus overload. The following sendings match the
period set