Helios Close-up Supplementaries, being fully-coated optics, reduce this quality loss to the minimum.
They are available in the most popular powers of +1, +2 and +3 dioptres (the higher the number. the
closer you can approach your subject). Consult your dealer for the best type to suit your needs.
Helios Supplementary Lenses
Approximate Focusing Distances (cm)
Camera Lens set at
Lens Type 1m 2m 00
+1 dioptre 50 67 100
+2dioptre 33.5 40 50
+3dioptre 25 28.5 33
Extension Tubes allow photography at even closer range than supplementary lenses. Normally sold in sets of 3
varying lengths, they can be used singly or in any combination to provide a number of fairly definite
magnification steps, allowing you to fill the frame with subject sizes from about 2.7in x 4in to as small as 1 din
x 1 in (life size).
A bellows unit offers even further advantages since magnification is considerably greater and also continuously
variable over a wide range (ideal for really small and even live subjects like insects). Subjects ranging from
0.8in x 1 .2in to 0.4in x 0.6in (2.5 times life size - or even greater depending on lens in use) will fill the
viewfinder frame.
* Both extension tubes and bellows units, because they make the light rays travel a Greater distance as the lens
is moved further from the film, require an increase in exposure over that indicated by a meter reading. This
increase varies i n proportion to the amount of extension and the focal length of the lens, and is normally
computed from data tables supplied with tubes and bellows. Since the exposure meter in your Zenith TTL
automatically compensates for any exposure increase required, this disadvantage is reduced to nil, leaving these
plus factors: (a) optical performance is not impaired in any way and (b) a greater and more varied magnification
range is obtainable.