805812NZ v1.04 05.20 HydroChill Install Instructions
3. Measure and cut to length hoses from chiller
outlet fittings. Fit JG stop valves and 3/8 to 5/16
straight adaptors ready for tap/font connection
(Note: ambient T-off between filter and chiller).
Step 4 – Connect hoses
1. Fit John Guest fittings to outlet connections -
Chilled, Sparkling and Recirculation (2).
4. Once tap is installed fit Sparkling / Chilled
/Ambient lines with 3/8 to 5/16 adaptors to
outlets from chiller.
2. Add elbows to suit your installation.
5. Fit the 3/8 x 5/16 JG fittings to the two black
recirculation hoses in the tap. Connect two
recirculation hoses between tap and chiller, and
cut to length.