Bluetooth is a wireless transmission protocol for short distance.
The built-in bluetooth module can connect with the mobile phones
having bluetooth function.
After connecting, you can control your mobile phone through the
sElECT BluETooTh as PlaYiNg souRCE
Open the ‚SOURCE MENU‘ and then select ‚BT‘.
WoRKiNg ModEs oF BuilT-iN BluETooTh
There are two work modes of the built-in bluetooth, which are
phone mode and stereo mode.
You can switch to its corresponding mode by pressing phone icon
or music icon on the user interface.
Phone mode
You can use these functions as follows under phone mode:
1. Phone pairing
The built-in bluetooth will become an identified device to your
mobile phone after pairing.
2. Phone connection
You can control your mobile phone after connecting, e.g.
browsing call list and telephone directory.
3. Hand-free
You can answer a call or dial a number through the front panel
keys, remote control keys or the touch screen.
4. Browsing call list
The latest records of missed calls, received calls and dialed
calls will be displayed on the user interface.
5. Browsing telephone directory
You can browse the telephone directory of your mobile phone.
stereo mode
You can use these functions as follows under stereo mode:
1. Stereo pairing
The built-in bluetooth will become an identified device to your
mobile phone after pairing.
2. Stereo connection
You can do the operations of stereo play and remote control
after connecting.
3. Stereo play
You can play the audio files of your mobile phone through the
4. Stereo remote control
You can control the playback of your mobile phone through the