Settings: Set the mode of turning page, background and font color.
Push all the boxes to designated place.
File management
Choose one folder and press <option> and then you can operate as follows:
New folder: Create a new folder.
Delete: Delete the folder.
Detail: Check details of the folder, name, date, size, position and so on.
Edit: Re-name or copy the folder.
Search: Search the file in the folder according to you need.
Sort: To sort according to name, date, size and type.
Mark: Mark or unmark one or all the folders.
Capacity Enquiry: View the service condition of the memory card. In this interface
you can format the memory card, but this operation will cause the data in it lose
Call setting
Set Dual Sys Call Forward (This function will have to need network support. To
use the function, please contact your network service provider.)
SIM Enable Select: Only SIM1 Open/ Only SIM2 Open/ Dual SIM Open
SIM Settings: Call/ Prompt Dial/ Original SIM Reply
Set SIM Name: You can set any name you like as the name of SIM card slot.
Dual SIM Settings Wizard