Save the messages to the Outbox directly.
Send to many:
Select more receivers to send.
Send by group:
Send the message to the select group.
The received messages are saved in Inbox. You can view all received messages in Inbox.
The messages of SIM card A/B are separately saved. You can perform the following
To reply to a received short message.
Delete one:
To delete the current message.
Delete same number SMS:
To delete the message with same number.
To forward the current message to the other subscriber.
Move to archive box:
To move to archive.
Add to sms_filter list:
To move to filter sms list.
Copy to SIM/Phone:
When the message is stored in phone storage, it can be copied to
the SIM card. When the message is stored in SIM card, it can be copied to the phone
storage. You can transmit all messages between SIM card and phone storage.
Move to SIM/Phone:
When the message is stored in phone storage, it can be moved to
the SIM card. When the message is stored in SIM card, it can be moved to the phone
storage. You can transmit all messages between SIM card and phone storage.
To backup from T-flash card to phone.
Use number:
To use the number of the received text message
Use URL:
To use URL of the message.
If the “Save and send” is selected when a message is sent, the sent message will be saved in
the sendbox.
You can save a message you edit in the Draft. If the message is failed to be sent,
the message be saved in the draft. Corresponding operation can be performed to a
Message saved in the draft.
Favorite box:
You can move the text messages from the inbox to the favorate box.
Filter box:
You can move the text messages from the inbox to the filter box.
Select frequently used phases from the template and insert into message editing interface.
SMS settings:
You can set some parameters of messages in this menu. Parts of setting menu of SIM card
A/B are separated
SIM A/B message setting:
Profile settings
: To set the name of a profile, SMS center number, message validity
period, and message type. To send a message, the SMS center number shall be
The number of the SMS center is provided by the network operator. For
details, please contact the network operator