Technical instructions
4. Description
4.1. Principle of electrolysis
Salt water electrolysis separates salt (NaCl) into sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl). The chlorine is
immediately dissolved into the water, producing hypochlorous acid (HCIO). This powerful disin-
fectant destroys bacteria and algae before turning into salt again.
The quantity of chlorine required to disinfect a pool increases with the temperature and pH of the
The production of chlorine must be adjusted according to the environment and characteristics of
the water:
• the water conductivity
• the water temperature
• the volume of the tank to be treated
• the water pH
With the safety of the installation in mind, the electrolyser only produces chlorine when the flow
detector signals that water is flowing in the cell.
Thus, the electrolyser only produces chlorine during the filtration periods established by the pro-
graming clock of the pool's electrical box. Within these filtration periods, the production time con-
sists of cycles of two periods (Normal and reverse) which alternate the polarity of the electrodes.
This polarity reversal prevents scale formation on the electrodes.
Thus, a production cycle is broken down into 4 stages:
1. Stage 1, normal production (positive)
2. Stage 2, standby
3. Stage 3, reverse mode production (negative)
4. Stage 4, standby
At the end of a filtration period, the
stops being produced and, when the filtration begins again,
it resumes its cycle at its exact point of interruption.
The main advantage of this choice of operation is to guarantee in all cases (even in the event of
a power failure) strictly identical normal or reverse production times and, consequently, to ensure