Äußere Münchner Straße 2
D-82515 Wolfratshausen
Tel + 49 (0) 8171 – 418130
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KIN Shelf
Assembly instruction 03/ 2016
Cross screw driver (size 2)
KIN Drawer
Screw the metall pin into the side pieces, according to
the provided position (as you can see on your individual
ZEITRAUM drawing). Press the shelf onto the four metal
pins to snap the Rafix- connector.
Screw the runner onto the shelf (already built in).
Take care that the runner is at the rearmost position.
The side of the shelf with the bigger distance between
drilled holes and edge is the one where the door will be
placed (the distance is very important for the cup hinges).
Afterwards use the cross screw driver to tighten
the Rafix connector (just a half turn). Hold the cross
screw driver slightly diagonally.
Pull the fixed runner forwards and put the drawer onto
the runner. Now push the drawer back until the runner
snaps into the orange box.