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Summary of Contents for CONTAFLEX III


Page 2: ...epth of field scole 6 Rewind knob with film type indrcotor 7 Eyelets for corrying strop 8 Setting mork for dislonce operture cnd shuiter speed 9 Focusing knobs 10 Aperture ond shutter speed setting ri...

Page 3: ...eed ond stop moke this smqll ond ottroctive comero instontly reody for oction Two coupled rongef inder systems ensure occurote focusing of the world fomed 50 mm Zeiss Tessor f 2 8 lens with oll its in...

Page 4: on buying o Contoflex lll You hove mode o wise choice your comero will give you lifelong pleosure We would like to shore your enioyment ond would oppreciote it if you were to send us some of the m...

Page 5: meons of o split imoge rongefinder ond ground gloss screen both coupled with the lens The stondord lens is the fomous Zeiss Tessor f 2 8 50 mm By exchonging the front element for either the Pro Te...

Page 6: ...ght ofter ony number of exposures without rewind ing The removoble bqck simplifies looding ond un looding os well os cleoning of the comero The qll metql body guorontees the uimost me chonicol precisi...

Page 7: the f ilm is exposed to light shutter speed The exposure volue ob toined which con be reod off from the setting mork 8 see Fig 2l represents o definite omount of I ig ht thot remo i ns the so me no...

Page 8: ...figures on scole 17 denote f roctions of seconds 60 meons 1 eo th second etc When set to the green 8 the shutter will remoin open os long os the releose knob 3 remoins depressed see poge l8 The green...

Page 9: ...ting the exposure volue the lens is stopped down until the shutter speed is set to the green 8 on exposure time of 2 seconds will be required lf it is necessory to stop down even further the required...

Page 10: ...ry limited exposure lotitude The exposure volue depends on the film speed the prevoiling lighting conditions ond the filter foctor if o filter is used see poge 35 As a rough and ready rule try Outdoor...

Page 11: ...k fromes o thing of the post lt does not motter whether the shutter speed is set before or ofter odvoncing the film Keeping the shutter tensioned does not horm it in ony woy A usef u I h int when tu r...

Page 12: ...istonce con be meosu red in two wols l Select o verticol line such os the edge of o woll or o tree trunk seen in the finder imoge Then turn the reor block ring by the two knobs 9 on the left ond right...

Page 13: ...ield scole 5 shows the extent of this zone of vorious operture settings ond diston ces Locote the operture setting to be used from omong the f numbers to the right ond left of the distonce setting mor...

Page 14: ...e zone to be recorded shorply ond then select the oppropriote stop on the depth of field scole Do not however stop down further thon is necessory to ensure the depth of field you re quire Otherwise yo...

Page 15: ...L C rh ct t r CS t E ot a rF rts ct T a trL qt trl ci ol l l 3 l I tall o l o l I I El i ol t Fl o l cLl b t r RilPa Da il v OF is F b coc _ O a I 0 i E 3i Ngbi g D i t it rr 4 t 8 V6 ei b rr c oscDc...

Page 16: ...Fig 6 The thumbs should be pressed ogoinst the comero bock ond the middle fingers of both honds should rest on the focusing knobs 9 Use the index finger of the right hond to press the shutter releose...

Page 17: ...the comero from below it is olso possible to use the index finger of this hond to operote the focusing knob 9 Fig 8 Upright picturcs con of course be token with the comero supported by the right hond...

Page 18: ...t meo n ing thot the film hos not been odvonced by o full f rome the shutter connot be releosed This effectively prevents double exposures The viewfinder The finder imoge is only visible ofter the fil...

Page 19: ...otely to its pre selected setting before the shutter opens to expose the film The Contoflex is the first comero to utilize this ingenious system The finder imoge is completely free from porol lox ond...

Page 20: ...shot Setting So os to be reody for ropid oction snopshofs first set the correct exposure volue ond then set the operture to tl9 ond the distonce to 20 ft Fig I I For eosier setting both these f igures...

Page 21: ...quired for upright photogrophs To ovoid comero shoke use o coble releose see poge 38 this screws into the threoded socket in the releose knob 3 Exposures requiring speeds slower thon 1 ro s cond or ti...

Page 22: ...ponds to the deloy to peok of most floshbulbs The correct setting X or M for the vorious floshbulbs ond flosh copsules will be found in the mokers instructions ond olso in the toble on poge 24 At the...

Page 23: ...ressed the floshbulb will be fired syn chronously with the opening of the shutter For further detoils refer to the instructions provided with oll types of f losh equipment Flqsh bu lb Synchro lever se...

Page 24: ...nd your thumb on the comero bock Fig 14 Lifr rhe focking keys 20 in the bose of the Contoflex lf l with your right hond ond lurn then in the oppropriote direc tion With your feft thumb push the bock o...

Page 25: ...sette in the lower chomber so thot the prongs engoge the core of the cossette spool Insert the toke up spool into the upper chomber Fig l9 now wind the film on to the toke up spool until the tro nspor...

Page 26: position Finolly tension ond releose the shutter twice so os to wi nd th e f ogged leod er film on to the toke up spool ond od vonce o length of u nexposed f ilm into position in the film gote As...

Page 27: ...tter with the film wind knob 1 the Contof lex lll is reody for the first picture The frome counter will outomoticolly indi cote n1 Gassettes The Contoflex lll will toke the some speciol cossettes os u...

Page 28: ...ed knob f irst into the inner shell of the cossette ond push the outer shell over it The leoder of the film should then protrude through the superimposed slots of the shells Now turn the inner ond out...

Page 29: ...Every cqssette is supplied in o specio I conto iner the lid of which hos o smo window The lid co n be f itted in two positions When storing on exposed film in the contoiner fit the lid in such o woy...

Page 30: ...ette into o cossette the film need not be rewound before unlooding Either of these two methods pernrits the film to be chonged ofter ony number of exposures ond in brood doylight However it is necesso...

Page 31: ...n of the lens with your thumb The milled front ring of the lens is then turned with the right hond until it comes to o stop o slight resistonce hos to be overcome Then lift the front element from its...

Page 32: ...riobly show the obsolutely porollox free imoge field whilst the distonce is estoblished in the usuol woy using either the split imoge or the ground gloss screen ronge finder by moving the two focusing...

Page 33: ...y interesting field the Contoflex shows its enormous versotility Since the lwo l6 x 23 mm holf imoges ore in one frome of the f ilm immediotely side by side they con be mou nted in the specio I Zeiss...

Page 34: ...lens ond the lenshood 0 A 28 5 mm Two filters for the Pro Tessors con be slipped into the pockets in the I id Leqther Cqse for Stereo The Steritor B ond o seporotor will fit neotly into this leother...

Page 35: ...mount eliminotes disturbing reflections from shiny ond reflecting surfoces of non mefol obiects You con observe the effect of the polorizing filter in the finder An A 28 5 mm diometer lenshood or sup...

Page 36: ...31 X lr7tlz 11rlz X 1 5112 10rlE X l 3rlz 9 X j l3lt 7tlz X llt1r 68lq X10tln gslt X l lUz 8rl X1 r12 7r z x11rla 7 x lotlz 5t1r Y 10 6 x9 5rlE X 8 4Bl X 7rlz vt ctr f d Xtl orl i r an ctr c t bci 5tl...

Page 37: ...vered The distonces should be meosured from the front rim of the supplementory lens mount to the subiect An operture of f 8 usuolly provides sufficient depth of field The imoge field size is colculote...

Page 38: ...or the Tessor f 2 8 50 mm use o lens hood with slip on mount A A 28 5 rxm for the Pro Tessor f 4 85 mm use the screw in type A S 60 mm No lenshood should be used with the wide ongle Pro Tessor f 4 35...

Page 39: ...uns ore remorkobly effec tive in use The reflector of f he Fold ing lkoblitz is collopsible when not in us the entire outfit is then no lorger thon l soop box the Gontaflex h Copping piote i Film troc...

Page 40: ......

Page 41: ...r exchonging lens units l5 Exposure volue control knob 16 Exposure volue scole l7 Shutter speed scole l8 Aperture scole 19 Reversing button for film rewrnd 20 locking keys for comero bock 2l Tripod bu...

Page 42: ...linen but not leother ofter removing ony dusf with o soft brush Polish the chromium ploted externol fittings occosionolly with o soft linen rog Serial Numbers There is o seriol number on the bock of...
