REV. 1, 12/17
follow the steps again for another attempt.
Once successfully enter the configuration mode, device
will receive binding command. It will automatically search for the nearest gateway and binding to
it after exit and turn on the device
. Communication will begin upon a successful binding.
During configuration mode, 10 secs timeout is implemented if no input is received. Each press and
release of button will go a step in the sending interval setting as below:
Table 2: Sending Interval Setting
Green Status LED Number of Blinking Times
Sending Interval Setting
1 min
5 mins
10 mins
15 mins
30 mins
Once the correct setting has been set, leave it for about 10 seconds to exit the configuration mode.
The device will back into OFF state. It will bind to nearest gateway and follows the transmission
interval setting after turned ON (after startup cycle finished).
Internal Memory Backup
In the event when signal failed to send to a gateway, the temperature data stores in the internal
memory. These backup data will send again to gateway after network recovery. The maximum backup
period depends on sending interval setting.
Table 5: Maximum Backup Period
Transmission Interval
Maximum Backup Period*
1 min
7 days
5 mins
37 days
10 mins
75 days
15 mins
113 days
30 mins
227 days
*In condition all the previous backup data has been successfully send out from the initial.
Battery Level & Signal Level
Table 6: Device Battery Life
Transmission Interval
Device Battery Life
1 min
6 months