ZDL-GSM-516-5112 Mobile Network Voice Intercom
With Access Control
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P a g e
User Set: (Option-3) Editing (Residents/Tenants Setup)
You can navigate to this menu anytime by pressing [#], enter [3] using keypad to access Setup Gate-
keeper. And of course, it will demand admin password which will be
[Modifiable By Pressing
Option-1 Of The Programming Menu]
to grant access.
should put you directly into
Editing (Residents/Tenants)
Under this menu, you will be able to
setup/edit: Building Guard Post Information (Option-1), Building
Residents/Tenants Information (Option-2), Query/Look Up Tenant Record/Information (Option-3),
User/Tenants Unlock Code Length (Option-4), Entrance Guard (Smart Card/Key-fob Operation Menu)
Quickest Way To Go Is:
Enter Your Info As
The System Administrator [Guard]
– By Simply Inputting Your Phone Number.
*Editing Guard Phone (Building Guard Info Registration) (Option-1)
Press [1] to access Guard Menu.
(Note: System Defaults Guard Room Number To:
, Which
Can Not Be Modified
System accepts up to
3-Phone Numbers
which will be dialed after one another if no answer. You can
choose to use this feature as
“Method Of Reaching Building Management”
. When done,
press [*]
Go back to
Menu List
and select
to start entering resident’s information.
*User/Residents Phone (Building Tenants Info Registration) (Option-2)
Press 2 to access User Phone Card Menu.
Before entering tenant’s information, we recommend typing/writing up your resident list in alphabetical
order. This way, each tenant will have their own unique
which system will need for
quick searches/query. This number format could be
01, 02,03,04,05
etc as 2-tenants/user can not share
same index number. To start the registration process, enter
Number and Press
Speed Up process by just entering Index-#, Tenant’s 4-digit Room Number, First
Initials of Tenant’s Name & Phone Numbers. [You Can Complete/Modify This
Info With Your Cell-phone Later – Please Refer To Pages-17 Thru 19]
For Security Reasons, System Defaults To Time-Out In Approx. 15-Seconds. You Can Easily Get Back Here
Following These Steps:
Press #, Option-3, Enter Password, Option-3 & Option-2 For Menu
will request for index number, enter
press [#]
to confirm (Will Prompt If
Number Exist Already) (Be sure not to duplicate index number). Index Number confirmation will lead
you to Main User Form Card where you will be required to enter:
Tenant Name, Room Number, Phone
Number-1, 2 & 3
****Editing Tips
Enter Letters/numbers Using system Keypad, Press # To Move Between Fields & Confirm, Use * To
Make Corrections Or Allow System To Time-Out