Zaxcom Aria
Getting Started
Nova should be running software version 3.26 or higher.
In the ENG menu set RS422 to Oasis/Aria.
Connect a standard USB A to USB A cable from the RSS422 port on the right side of Nove to the
RECORDER connection on the back of the Aria 8. Please note any length USB cable can be used.
Power up Aria 8 with any DC source from 8 to 18 volts.
If desired an Aria 4’s can be connected to the Aria 8 via an HDMI cable. Please note any length HDMI
cable can be used. An additional Aria 4 can be connected for 16 faders.
Assigning Inputs to an Aria Fader
To assign an input to a fader on Aria proceed to the external fader assign menu in
the Nova’s main menu or press the FADER ASSIGN key on Aria 8.
Any assortment of analog inputs, digital inputs, or wireless receiver outputs can be
assigned to any fader.
The top knob of each fader strip can also be assigned to control input trim, or it
can be assigned to remote control transmitter gain via ZaxNet.
Please note the external fader menu allows for banks 1 thru 5 to be assigned, this is for the Oasis,
since Aria is a single bank control surface only bank 1 should be used.
Record Enable
The RECORD ROUTING key on Aria 8 gives direct access to record enables menu.
When in the record enable menu
Track 1 and Track 2 Mix
The TRACK ROUTING key on Aria 8 gives direct access to mix track1 and 2 routing.
A single press of the TRACK ROUTING key opens track 1 routing, a second press of
the TRACK ROUTING key opens track 2 routing.
Pre Fader Listining
The audio routed to a fader can be listed to pre-fader by pressing the PFL key at the top of the fader
strip. To listen to an input, press a PFL key - when pressed the key will blink and the headphone
monitor name will display what input is being listened to.
When the PFL Keys menu item located in the ENG Setup menu is set to “Multi” Additional inputs can
be simultaneously listened to by pressing additional PFL keys.
When the PFL Keys menu is set to “Single” only one input can be listened to at a time
To remove an input, press the PFL key again or press the BACK key.