Date Time
Current Date/Time:
Current Date/Time –
Displays the camera’s current date and time.
PC Clock –
Displays the date and time of the computer you are currently using.
Date/Time Format –
The format in which the date and time is displayed on the live video.
Synchronization Method:
Keep current setting –
Select if you don’t want to change current date and time setting.
Synchronize with client PC –
Select if you want to adjust the camera time to your PC. Note that this
option synchronizes the time only once. An occasional re-synchronization will be necessary.
Manual Setting –
Select to manually enter the date and time.
Synchronize with NTP –
Select to allow the camera to obtain the time from an NTP server. You can
use the default value or you can enter a different NTP server manually. Make sure that your camera
is connected to the Internet and that no firewall is blocking the outgoing NTP request.
Time zone:
Time zone –
Select the correct time zone for your location.
Daylight Saving Time –
Define the Daylight Saving Time range by activating this option. The camera
will adjust the time depending on the predefined start and end time.