Cleaning periodically will prolong the life and proper functioning of the product. The frequency
of cleaning should be determined by inspection and by severity of the environment. Clean with
compressed air and/or a stiff brush using plain water or a mild soap and water solution. Do not use
any corrosive chemicals that could damage the product. Wipe all surfaces with a clean, dry cloth
and hang to dry, or use compressed air. When not in use, store anchorage connectors in a cool, dry,
clean environment, out of direct sunlight and free of corrosive or other degrading elements.
*It is essential for the safety of the end user that if this product is re-sold outside the original
country of destination the reseller shall provide instructions for use, maintenence, and for periodic
examination and repair in the language of the country in which the product is to be used.
Official inspections must be made at least annually. The inspection must be performed by a
competent or qualified person other than the intended user. If severe environmental conditions
exist then inspections must be carried out more frequently. All inspection results must be logged
in the space provided above. It is recommended that the anchor device is marked with the date of
the next or last inspection. This product, according to EN 795:2012, does not have an expiry date
providing before use and annual inspection are satisfactory.
1. Ensure all labeling is affixed to the unit.
2. Inspect anchoring system for signs of damage or wear.
3. Ensure the ring is free to swivel and pivot.
4. Check for excessive play and wear on the retaining bushing
(Bushing should not wiggle or rotate.)
5. Ensure latches engage and disengage properly.
6. Record inspection results in the space provided above.
*If inspection reveals any damage that could affect the strength or operation of the
device, inadequate maintenance, or an unsafe condition, proper disposal is required.
The anchorage connector must be rendered unusable and then properly discarded.
Part Number
Inspector Name
Inspect retaining
bushing for wear
or damage.