Zamel EXTA ZCM-31 Instruction Manual Download Page 2










 - setting longitude, latitude and a time zone; entry to 

reviewing and edition of settings after pressing OK, choose 

parameters  which  should  be  changed  with  cursors 


member at the same time that:


 - latitude;


 - longitude;


 - time zone in relation to UTC time;

For window   (latitude); press OK, so as to move to edition:

 Choose latitude parameters (degrees) with cursors   (within 

range 90 South ÷ 90 North); confirm with OK;

 Choose latitude minutes with cursors   (if in the step   90 

latitude was chosen, this step is omitted).

For window   (longitude); press OK, in order to move to edition:

 Choose longitude degrees with cursors   (within range 180 

West ÷ 180 East);  confirm the choice with OK.

 Choose longitude minutes with cursors   (if in the step   

longitude was chosen, this step is omitted).

For window   (time zone); press OK, so as to move to edition:

 Choose  hour  shift  of  time  zone  with  cursors 

  (within  a 

range -12 ÷ 12);  confirm your choice with OK.


 - setting the time correction; entry to review of settings after pressing OK;

Choose time which you should change with cursors  , remember at the same time that:


 Correction of dusk time; press OK, in order to move to edition;


 Correction of dawn time; press OK, in order to move to edition;

   Correct the time within a range of -120 ÷ 120 min., choose an adequate parameter 

with cursors  , confirm the choice with OK.

It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving set-

tings by pressing the button   or  .


 - setting the duration time  of a night break; entry to reviewing the settings after 

pressing OK; Choose time which you should change with cursors  , remember at the 

same time that:


 Time of commencement of a night break; press OK in order to move to edition;


 Time of ending of a night break; press OK in order to move to edition;

   Choose adequate hour with cursors  , confirm the choice with OK;

    Choose adequate minute with cursors  , confirm the choice with OK;


The clock will work without a night break, if the times of night break beginning and 

ending are the same.

It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving set-

tings by pressing the button   or  .


 - setting the current clock time; entry after pressing OK;

 HOUR- choose adequate hour with cursor   which you can set 

in 1-24   or 1-12   (AM) and 1-12   (PM)format; confirm with OK;

 MINUTES - choose adequate parameter of minutes with cursors 

 confirm with OK;

 Confirmation of the parameter of minutes causes simultaneous 

nullification  of  the  parameter  of  seconds  and  movement  to  the 

window of time setting.


 - choice of one of the two modes in which switching between winter and summer season time will occur. 

 - switching will take place in an 

automatic way, on the last Sunday of March, at 2.00 (for summer time) and on the last Sunday of October, at 3.00 (for winter time), 

 - a user chooses 

between winter/ summer time, entry after pressing OK;

   setting the mode - choose mode 


 with cursors  , confirm with OK; after choosing the mode 

, the clock automatically sets the time as 

winter or summer one, depending on the arranged date; after choosing the mode 

 you go to another window;

 Choose time for winter/ summer one with cursors   where   is winter time and   is summer time, if change of marker has happened the system will 

change the current time by adding or subtracting 1 hour, confirm the operation with OK;

 After choosing the system moves to winter/ summer time shift window. 


  -  setting  the  mode  in  which  the 

system  should  operate  after  releasing 

the external input IN; entry to edition after 

pressing  OK,  choose  adequate  mode  for 

external input with cursors  , remember 

at the same time that:


  -  the  function  of  external  input  is 

switched off;


  -  manual  mode  with  permanent 

switching the transmitter off;


  -  manual  mode  with  permanent 

switching the transmitter on;

   - automatic mode, the system switches 

the transmitter on/ off according to the ar-

ranged programmes;

 Confirm  with  OK  the  choice  of  a  given 

mode; confirmation will cause a moement 

to the settings window of the external in-


External memory allows for an easy record / 

reading of the adjusted programs into the ex-

ternal memory, so they can be easily  copied 

to other programmers. It is very convenient in 

case if we want to program more ZCM pro-

grammers or archive the adjusted programs.


  –  sub  menu  to  the  external  memory 



 – programs recording


 – programs reading from the external 

memory and storage in the programmer’s 



 – the state of memory „busy” during a 

record / reading 


 – correct record / reading


 – record /reading error 

It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving settings by pressing the button   or  .


 - Current date setting; entry after pressing OK;

 YEAR - choose adequate year with cursors   confirm with OK, range of years: 2000÷2099;

 MONTH - choose month with cursors   confirm with OK;

 DAY - choose day with cursors   confirm with OK; the system has a protection against introducing incorrect parameter of a day for a given month ( it takes 

into account leap years and it automatically calculates the day of the week on the basis of an arranged date);

 Confirmation causes movement to a date setting window and set-up of current summer/ winter time - if the option 

 is arranged.

It is possible to exit every sub- menu win-

dow in any moment without saving set-

tings by pressing the button   or  .

It is possible to 

exit every sub- 

menu window 

in any moment 

without saving 

settings by 

pressing the 

button   or  .

It is possible to exit every sub- menu 

window in any moment without saving 

settings by pressing the button   or  .

*  does not apply to the product ZCM-31

** apply to the product ZCM-31P/U

*  does not apply to the product ZCM-31

** apply to the product ZCM-31P/U
