1. Disconnect power supply by the phase
fuse, the circuit-breaker or the switch-dis-
connector combined to the proper circuit.
2. Check if there is no voltage on the connec-
tion cables by means of a special measur-
ing equipment.
3. Install PBM-07 on a TH35 rail in the distri-
bution board.
4. Connect the device cables with the ter-
minals in accordance with the installing
5. Switch on the power supply from the mains.
6. Press a push button connected to the (IN)
release input a few times to check if the
device operates properly.
After supply voltage has been applied,
the device is ready to operate. Correct oper-
ation of the PBM-07 relay can be checked by
pressing a push button connected to the re-
lease terminal (IN) a few times. The system
should switch on / switch off loadings con-
nected to its output terminals (PK1-11,12,14
and PK2-21,22,24). Unipolar push buttons
can be connected in a parallel way and pro-
vide lighting control of several places. These
push buttons are available with backlight.
PBM-07 can cooperate with backlit push
buttons. The total current consumption
before backlight can not exceed 1,5 mA.
The (IN) release input structure is used to
a continuous triggering.
After supply voltage has been applied or after its decay both relays PK1 and PK2 are switched off.
In case the subsequent impulses are given to the (IN) input, the device will:
• switch on both output relays,
• switch off both output relays.
General impulse release requirements:
• The PBM-07 relay reacts to the falling edge of the release impulse (reaction to the button release
connected to the (IN) input).
• Minimum duration of impulse release – 70 ms.
• Minimum time interval between subsequent impulses – 250 ms.
The above values are only indicative. They
depend, to a large extent, on a particular
capacity (mainly it refers to LED bulbs, ener-
gy-saving lamps and switched-mode power
supplies), switching on frequency and operat-
ing conditions.
There is a 24 month guarantee on the product
Salesman stamp and signature, date of sale
1. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. assures a 24 month guarantee for the product.
2. The manufacturer’s guarantee does not cover any of the following actions:
a) mechanical damage during transport, loading / unloading or under other circumstances,
b) damage caused by incorrect product mounting or misuse,
c) damage caused by unauthorised modifications made by the PURCHASER or any third parties to the product or
any other devices
required for the product functioning,
d) damage caused by Act of God or any other incidents independent of the manufacturer – ZAMEL Sp z o.o.
3. The PURCHASER shall lay any claims in writing in the place of purchase or to ZAMEL Sp. z o.o.
4. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. is liable for processing any claim according to current Polish legislation.
5. ZAMEL Sp. z o.o. shall process the claim at its own discretion: product repair, replacement or money return.
6. The PURCHASER’s statutory rights in any applicable legislation whether against the retailer arising from the pur-
chase contract or otherwise are not affected by this warranty.
2000 W
1000 W
500 W
750 W
250 W
>70 ms
>250 ms
< 1,5 mA