Save and Apply Tuning
The parameters that govern the control loop on a servo device
are known as the ‘live’ parameter set. Devices also store multiple
sets of saved parameters that are not active, called ‘presets’.
These presets could represent sets of optimal tuning under
different conditions (for example different loads). Use the Servo
Tuning tool to quickly and easily save tuning sets to presets,
apply tuning as the live set, or set one of the presets as the live
set. Additionally, live or stored presets can be read in PID, Import/
Export, or Advanced modes (the inertia input when using Simple
tuning cannot be re-calculated based on low-level parameters).
In addition to the writable presets, there is also a ‘default’ preset,
which contains the factory tuning values. The default preset can be
read or applied, but cannot be overwritten. Restore the defaults at
any time to apply safe (but not necessarily optimized) parameters.
Servo devices may have different control loops and parameters.
Zaber Console’s servo tuning tool translates these control loops to
the easier Simple and PID tuning methods, and Zaber recommends
using these to adjust the performance. The low-level control loop
parameters can be adjusted directly using the Advanced tuning
method though. Contact Customer Support for assistance with
using the low level parameters if needed.