Z3-DM8169-4CH-RPS V2.01.30a
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
6.12 Tuning for Latency
For latency, the key parameters to work with are Maximum Delay and Number of B-frames.
Maximum Delay defines the number of milliseconds of buffering the encoder has to work with. The higher
this value, the more buffering it has to work with and the more time it has to “smooth things out” for
challenging content. However, a higher value also causes latency to increase accordingly. To minimize
latency, this value should be set to the lowest possible value. The lowest value Z3 recommends is 100.
B-frames improve the quality of the picture, but they also increase the latency by 1 frame time. To
minimize latency, B-frames should be disabled (done by setting “Number of B-frames” to 0).
Figure 18 shows the suggested values for Maximum Delay and Number of B-frames for 3 common use cases:
Maximum Delay
# of B-frames
Case 1: Highest Quality, Highest Latency
Case 2: Good Quality, Standard Latency
Case 3: Normal Quality, Lowest Latency
Figure 18 Tuning for Various Use Cases
GDR can also be used to reduce latency.