DM816x RTC User Guide v1.1
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St., Suite 250
Lincoln, NE 68508 USA
3.2 Preparing the board
(3) Mount the MOD to be programmed on the Z3-DM8168-APP-02.
(4) Connect the MSP-430 debugger to the Z3-DM8168-APP-02 board using jumper J10 on the right edge of the board.
Make sure that the red edge of the ribbon cable is facing the bottom (connected to pins 1/2) (Figure 3):
(5) Connect the 12V power to the Z3-DM8168-APP-02 and turn on the power. Make sure the board is running
(6) Connect the USB end of the MSP430 debugger to the PC with the Elprotronic Software installed. Once you do so,
the power light on the MSP430 debugger should turn green.
3.3 Running the programming software
(7) Make a directory in the C:\ drive of your PC called “Z3-MSP430”.
(8) Copy the “MSP_DM81xx_v2.2.txt” file received from Z3 into this directory.
(9) Run the Elprotronic FET-Pro430 Lite software (version 3.1-0 was used in Z3’s testing). The opening menu
should appear (Figure 4).
(10) Click on “Open Code File ->” and select the MSP_DM81xx_v2.2.txt file in c:\Z3-MSP430 from step (8) (Figure 4).
(11) Under Microcontroller Type, select group “MSP430F2xx.” Then in the Microcontroller type below that select
“MSP430F2012” (Figure 4).
Figure 3 Connecting the Debugger to the Z3-DM8168-APP-02
Red line