RabbitCore RCM2100
Providing this documentation in electronic form saves an enormous amount of paper by
not printing copies of manuals that users don’t need. It reduces the number of outdated
manuals we have to discard from stock as well, and it makes providing a complete library
of manuals an almost cost-free option. For one-time or infrequent reference, electronic
documents are more convenient than printed ones—after all, they aren’t taking up shelf or
desk space!
Finding Online Documents
The online documentation is installed along with Dynamic C, and an icon for the docu-
mentation menu is placed on the workstation’s desktop. Double-click this icon to reach the
menu. If the icon is missing, create a new desktop icon that points to
in the
folder, found in the Dynamic C installation folder.
The latest versions of all documents are always available for free, unregistered download
from our web sites as well.
Printing Electronic Manuals
We recognize that many users prefer printed manuals for some uses. Users can easily print
all or parts of those manuals provided in electronic form. The following guidelines may be
Print from the Adobe PDF versions of the files, not the HTML versions.
Print only the sections you will need to refer to more than once.
Print manuals overnight, when appropriate, to keep from tying up shared resources dur-
ing the work day.
If your printer supports duplex printing, print pages double-sided to save paper and
increase convenience.
If you do not have a suitable printer or do not want to print the manual yourself, most
retail copy shops (e.g. Kinkos, AlphaGraphics, etc.) will print the manual from the PDF
file and bind it for a reasonable charge—about what we would have to charge for a
printed and bound manual.
Summary of Contents for RabbitCore RCM2100 Series
Page 34: ...30 RabbitCore RCM2100 ...
Page 52: ...48 RabbitCore RCM2100 ...
Page 54: ...User s Manual 50 ...
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