Z-Wave 5430499 Installation Manual Download Page 3


The thermostat has a range of choices when it comes to  
sensors. To get to the menu you have to press Center (confirm) 
for 10 seconds, then press Right (down) once and an A shows 
in the display. Then press Center (confirm) again and you can 
choose one of these modes, while moving up and down with 
buttons Left or Right. 



Air/room sensor



Air+Floor sensor



External room sensor 


  External room Floor sensor



Power regulator



Floor Power regulator



Floor sensor

When you have decided on the sensor mode you want to use, 
press Center (confirm) button.
If you choose F or AF and there is no floor sensor installed, Err 
will display in the screen.


The following values are available: NTC type (10, 12, 15, 33 or 
47kΩ). Default 10kΩ. The function is only active when an external 
sensor is connected. Confirm with Center (confirm) button.


In this mode you are able to adjust the displayed temperature. 
If the thermostat of some reason (or sensor) is not calibrated 
properly you are able to make minor changes to the 
temperature.  You are able to raise/lower the set point by up to 
4°C.  Confirm with Center (confirm) button.
This function is only available for the floor sensor and external 
room sensor.


Use Left and Right (up and down) button to adjust the 
brightness between 0-9. Confirm with Center (confirm) button.


To include the thermostat to your home automation gateway, 
press Center (confirm) button for 10 seconds.
The display will show OFF. Press Right (down) 4 times till you see 
Con in the display. 
Now start add device in your home automation software. 
Start inclusion mode by pressing Center (confirm) button for 
approximately 2 seconds. The inclusion/exclusion icon will 
appear in the display.
Confirmation will show Inc/EcL in the display. 
If inclusion fails, Err (error) will appear.


In this mode you are able to make changes to the hysteresis in 
the thermostat. This means that you can changes the hysteresis 
from 0.2°C up to max 3.0°C. Confirm with Center (confirm) 
button. Default setting is 0.5°C. When using a waterbased 
system the hysteresis should be min 1.0°C.

Min/Max temperature settings
FLO –   Min Floor temperature
FHI –   Max Floor temperature
ALO –  Min Air/room temperature
AHI –   Max Air/room temperature
PLO –   Min temperature in Power Reg Mode
Confirm with Center (confirm).


Leaving programming mode. Confirm with Center (confirm) 


When the thermostat remains untouched for a while, it will 
automatically go to standby screen. In standby screen the light 
is dimmed. By pressing Left or Right (up or down) button the  
set point will be shown in the display. 


Activate by pressing Left and Center (up and confirm) button for 
10 seconds. 

In case doF is activated, the screen will be blank (can be used if 
installed where people are sensitive to the light of the display).  
A very nice feature when used in a bedroom. When touching 
the display, the screen lights up.


By pressing Left and Right (up and down) buttons for 10 
seconds, child lock will be activated and no changes can be 
made. Trying to make changes causes the LOC text to appear  
in the display. Child lock is deactivated by pressing Left and 
Right (up and down) buttons for 10 seconds. OPn will appear  
in the display.


By pressing buttons Right and Center (down and confirm) for 20 
seconds, the thermostat will perform a complete factory reset.
NB! Please use this procedure only when the primary controller/
gateway is missing or otherwise inoperable.


The thermostat has 2 main programs, CO – comfort mode and 
ECO - economy mode. When Center (confirm) button is pushed 
for 2 seconds you switch between the 2 modes. You would 
normally have 2 different set-points for the different modes. 
CO – mode: Is used for normal use. Example: 22°C.
ECO – mode: Is a setback mode that you can use if the 
thermostat is installed in a room or a house that is rarely used.  
The ECO-mode can also be activated by the pilot wire if this  
is connected.

Some gateways also support switching between CO/ECO  
mode. We would normally think about CO/ECO as functions  
for Home/Away. 


Association enables the thermostat to control a device e.g a
relay or a wallplug, that is included in your z-wave network. 
