How does it work?:
Using diagnostic signals the module tells the vehicle to activate the respective
lights. The module does not rewrite computer code or af fect the vehicle. The codes are the same
that the dealer could use to diagnose your vehicle.
Will this burn my computer?:
The module does not put out any voltage and will not burn up the
computer. It's much like plugging a USB stick into your PC.
Will my brake lights still work?:
Your brake and turn signals will override the flashing pattern. If the
module is active and you hit the brakes or use your turn signal, that function will override. This cannot
be disabled as it is an important safet y feature.
Does this put my vehicle in reverse?:
The module will not change your vehicle’s gears. However,
some vehicle's may activate the backup camera screen because they are wired in with the reverse
lights. Unfortunately this cannot be disabled at this time.
Will this burn up my bulbs?:
Like any headlight/taillight flasher it will burn out your bulbs faster than
normal. Af termarket HIDs will burn up very quickly because the ballasts are not intended to flash.
Can I change the flash pattern?:
Currently the module is set to one flash pattern and cannot be
Can the module be detected?:
Once the module is removed it will leave no indication that it was
present or used.
Can I flash my tail lights?:
If your vehicle has a separate bulb for the taillights and brake lights, then
only the brake light will flash. If your vehicle has one bulb for both, then that bulb will flas.