Installation Guide
Yu-Fit Registration
Before you can use the Yuasa Yu-Fit Battery Configurator Tool it must be registered.
To register the tool you must download the Yu-Fit application suite using the link at the bottom
of the Yu-Fit page on the Century website located at
Once the application suite has been successfully installed follow the on-screen instructions to
complete the registration process.
By registering the product you will be able to take advantage of the following:
• Product and technical updates via email
• Notification of application updates for the Yu-Fit
A component of the registration process requires you to enter the Yu-Fit PIN & Serial Number.
These are printed on a sticker affixed to the back of the Yu-Fit tool and for future reference
should be attached in the box below.
Attach your Yu-Fit unique PIN & Serial Number sticker here
Yuasa Yu-Fit PIN & S/N