Smart Positioner
YT-2500 / 2550 / 2501 Series
Product manual
Ver. 1.04
Valve Mode (VALVE)
Valve mode offers useful and various function settings for operating the control valve.
Below are the list of functions which could be set from Valve mode.
1) Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)
2) Characteristic Adjustment (CHAR)
3) User Characteristics (USER SET)
4) Tight Shut Open (TSHUT OP)
5) Tight Shut Close (TSHUT CL)
6) Split Range Mode (SPLIT)
Acting Adjustment (ACT RA / dA)
RA & DA are automatically set by performing “AUTO 2” from Auto Calibration. However, this
function is used when the user wants to change RA & DA.
The positioner can be set as Direct Action (DA) or Reverse Action (RA).
3 seconds
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
Press <UP> or
<DOWN> button
if the above is not
3 times