YSI 5200A
YSI 5200A
Configure E-Aux systems to monitor, control and/or alarm IOEM inputs the
same way 5X00 aux sensor systems function.
E-Aux systems have data and event logging functionality.
E-Aux system datalogs are not visible at the instrument.
At the Run Screen “Offline” display at an E-Aux system means the config-
ured IOEM input value that the associated 5X00 instrument E-Aux system is
configured for is not recognized. An example - if an IOEM channel mode is
configured to digital and the input signal is a 0-1V signal, the reading at the
run screen will be “Offline”;
Probe Name
Menus → System → Configure E-Aux →E-Aux 1-8→Probe Name
Use the alpha/numeric keypad to name aux inputs. Configured name(s) appear
throughout menus and at Run Screen - figure 4.7, page 114
E-Aux names can also be configured at Menus → System → Name Devices/
Sensors →Name E-Aux.
Menus → System → Configure E-Aux →E-Aux 1-9→Instrument>Device Address
menu opens
Configuring the 5200A
Select the IOEM slave device address whose input will be used as an input signal
for this E-Aux system.
to scroll and highlight IOEM Slave device address.
to select.
to save settings and return to Run Screen.
The Device Address menu displays a generic list of instruments being Mas-
ter and Slaves 1-31.
The Local Machine user configured name is displayed if the
local machine is
- See page 86 for local versus remote instrument description.
- The Device Address menu will always display a Master and slaves 1-31
regardless of the actual number of slaves wired to the node network.
Menus → System → Configure E-Aux →E-Aux 1-9→Channel>Channel menu opens
Select the IOEM channel whose wired input location will be used as an input signal
for this E-Aux system.
Configuring the 5200A